Pointers for New Trade Show Exhibitors

People inside a busy trade show

Trade shows are a valuable avenue to promote your brand, build partnerships, and encourage leads. However, it might overwhelm first-time exhibitors as it requires strategic planning, organization, and creativity. These pointers will help you nail your first trade show experience: 

1. Craft attractive giveaways

Fun giveaways do not only increase traffic, but it will remind attendees of your brand long after the show in New Zealand is over. They don’t have to be expensive, but you need to be creative with your offerings. If you are giving out product samples, include custom labels that contain your business information. You can also give cool stickers that the trade show attendees can put on their notes, laptop, or car. It will make your brand fresh in their minds and increased recognition when seen by the public. Memorable giveaways can surprisingly turn the attendees into your brand advocates. 

2. Have the best company ambassadors

Your staff represents your brand, and they can make or break your company’s impression. Make sure that your booth ambassadors are friendly, knowledgeable, and dressed professionally. They should have backups and short breaks to avoid fatigue and be on top of their game. Allow them to wear comfortable shoes as they will be on their feet all day. You should provide them with snacks and refreshments during the event so that they don’t get weary and remain motivated.

people at a trade show

3. Check the space before designing

When designing your exhibit, always check the area first before deciding on the visuals, artwork, materials, and booth structures. Check the size of the space and its location, nearby exhibits, structural restrictions, and access to electricity. Getting this information will prevent you from wasting money and save you from unpleasant surprises.

4. Get help from a professional

You must entice the attendees to enter your booth by putting a welcoming vibe to your exhibit. Designing can be intricate, especially for newbies, as you should consider many factors from graphic design, the right combination of colors, structure, textures, floor decals, signages, and more. Without experience in design and knowledge on the latest trends, your exhibit might appear like a dull display of ignored brochures.

A professional exhibit designer can ensure that your presentation will be engaging and will stand out against the booths of your competitors. A person has an average attention span of only eight seconds; if your enclosure is far from attractive, it will go unnoticed. A pro will be able to tell your story in a visually appealing way and convince attendees from a distance to take a closer look at your exhibit.

4. Spread the word

Invite people on your contact list by sending them an invitation to your exhibition. Include relevant details, such as your booth number. Some organizers provide a list of attendees so you can figure out the people who might be interested in your business. Send them introductory emails or advertise on social media to tell them briefly how you’ll love to have them at your booth.

A successful tradeshow exhibit will not only make attendees remember you, but it will encourage them to share their brand experience with their network. Following these pointers will help you craft a booth exhibit that will make a lasting impact.

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